Historical reconstruction in Kalevala district

A historical reconstruction of the Great Patriotic War battle was conducted in the vicinity of Kalevala village within the project Ordinary Man in a Great War. The participants were more than 80 military history buffs from Karelia, St. Petersburg and Murmansk regions.
The events devoted to the memorable date were held in Kalevala on October, 3. The programme started with the solemn laying of flowers at the mass grave of soldiers, who died during the Great Patriotic War.
During the ceremony the Kalevala district administration deputy head Julia Kononova said: «There were battles on the territory of our district, as well as throughout the Republic of Karelia. The Kalevala border guards were the first to take the hit. The area was defended by fighters of the 54th and 367th divisions of the 26th Army of the Karelian Front and partisan detachments fighters. There are seven military graves on the territory of our district, in which there are more than 200 thousand fighters».
Historical reconstruction was next in the programme: everyone could go to the 13th kilometer of the Kalevala – Voynitsa road, where there is a memorable place on Kis-Kis cape – the line of defense during the war years.
The light and heavy military equipment, pyrotechnics, authentic uniforms and models of soldiers' guns were used during the reconstruction. Moreover, exposition of museum and exhibition complex «Flight» (Petrozavodsk) and field kitchen (where everyone could taste soldier porridge) were open for the quests.
Photo: R. Dudkin, Ethnocultural centre «Kalevalatalo», Republican Centre for State Protection of Objects of Cultural Heritage
Videos about the reconstruction are available by the link:
* Video by Sampo 360
* Video by Vesti-Karelia
* Video by Kalevala news