Kantele improvisation on Zoom meeting

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Improvising in Zoom

On March 27, 2021 kantele players and teachers  from Petrozavodsk, Kondopoga and Helsinki participated in Zoom meeting to discuss the results of their work during the last several months. Master classes on "Improvisation and Composing in Kantele Teaching" by Hanna Ryynänen were held online in November and December 2020. Russian kantele teachers practiced new teaching methods with their students online and during in-person classes in January - March 2021.  Some of the discussed teaching methods were further developed at online lessons and concerts and resulted in the interaction with the public and their direct participation in music performances. 

Students of the Kantele Ensemble Youth Studio and their families prepared the New Year song after the series of online classes with Aleksandra Sakharova, the teacher at the Youth Studio.  Anna Kovaleva, the leader of the "Pikkurilli" kantele group in Kondopoga,  made an educational video on the tools to be used at improvisation lessons.  The Kantele Ensemble artists of  the Kantele-GO! project used narrative approach in kantele teaching at their Kantele Fusion Music Lab in Sortavala. 

Project  partners: The Karelian National Song and Dance Ensemble Kantele (Russia), University of Eastern Finland, Runosong Academy (Finland), National School of Arts named after V. Kalaberda of Pryazha District (Russia).

The Kantele-GO! project is financed by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland within the framework of the Karelia CBC Programme.