Training «Prospects for the military and historical tourism development»
On December, 17 the training «Prospects for the military and historical tourism development» was held within the «Ordinary Man in a Great War» project.
The training was organized both online and offline: the experts in history, culture, tourism and museum work were invited to participate. Due to the hybrid event format, project partners from Finland: Naturpolis Ltd and Euroregion ry could join us.
The training programme started with the speech on the «Ordinary Man in a Great War» project and its implementation results in 2020 by Pavel Petrov and Alexandra Efimova (Karelian Research Centre of RAS).
Sergei Verigin, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Director of Institute of History, Political and Social Sciences, Petrozavodsk State University told about the experience of cooperation between PetrSU and Municipality of Suomussalmi on the Winter war in Kalevalsky district of Karelia.
Marina Dubova, the Head of Department of popularization, projects and programs in the field of protection of cultural heritage, Republican Centre for State Protection of Objects of Cultural Heritage shared the information on the objects of Karelian military history, which will be used as the tourist destination on the new tourist route «Ordinary Man in a Great War».
In his speech, Gottfried Effe, reg. ass. vice-chairman of the Euroregion Oulu told about the experience of the previous culture and history-related projects. During the discussion on the speech results, special attention was paid to the tourist route cross-border orientation and its popularization possibilities on both sides of the border.
The project expert Elena Kuznetsova told participants about the individual approach to the organization and conducting of the military-historical tours. In addition to the lecture materials, the training participants were asked to answer a few questions on the target audience, the format and interesting ideas for promoting a tourist route, tour or excursion. Another interactive element was a small master-class on writing a field letter.
The participants were told about the possibilities of using biographies in the museum exhibition by Svetlana Yalovitsyna, candidate of Historical sciences, Vice-Director for Science of the Institute of Linguistics, Literature and History KarRC RAS. Moreover, training participants took the unique opportunity to get acquainted with fragments of interviews with Kalevala local residents.
Sergey Koriganov, branch head, Karelian Front Museum, Belomorsk told about the history of the Museum creation. During the discussion, it was decided to start cooperation within the project, since the Karelian Front Museum Museum will be useful to the experts of the project for the creation of the museum exhibitions in the villages of Kalevala and Voknavolok.
The training was finalized by the open discussion: the participants discussed the tourist route creation and PR-possibilities, attracting travel companies and conducting press tours. Special attention was paid to the online platform and the apps for the route «Ordinary Man in a Great War». Moreover, the outlined plans for the future were discussed as well, for example, project experts offered to organize special training for the guides.
As part of the training, the participants visited the nature and history museum «Owl Mountain», Lakhdenpokhya district. The part of the exposition is the collection of minerals and rocks provided by the KarRC RAS.