WASTE OR RAW MATERIAL? - seminar was a success

Kajaani University of Applied Sciences organized JÄTE VAI RAAKA-AINE/ ОТХОДЫ ИЛИ ЦЕННОЕ СЫРЬЕ? – seminar on April 27, 2021, in cooperation with the REMAC, SUSWAM and PeatStop projects implemented through the Karelia CBC program, and their cooperation network. The Zoom seminar addressed new innovations and technologies in the circular economy. The bilingual seminar was translated to both of its official languages (Finnish-Russian).
On the video below, you can watch the opening speeches of the seminar, which were given by the Head of the School of Engineering at Kajaani University of Applied Sciences, Jari Kähkönen, and Vice Principal Katarov of Petrozavodsk State University. More presentations will be published througout the spring and the upcoming summer, so tune in!