Creation of Kalevala Exposition: part 2

The key element of any exposition is a museum item. The exposition dedicated to the Kalevala epic poem, that is currently being created in the Museum of Fine Arts of Karelia, is based on the rich and unique collection of our museum. At present, our “Kalevala” collection includes more than 700 items: paintings and graphic works by artists not only from Karelia, but also from Russia and former Soviet republics.
Selection of works for an exhibition in the Museum repository is always a ritual. Lists of items are prepared in advance, and the exhibitor works with photographs of paintings and graphic sheets. The next step is to look at the original of each work, evaluate its integrity, and in some cases, specify the size.
All works in the museum’s repository have a strict “registration” – their special place on a shelf or on a grid. At this “address” any work is easy to find among 16 thousand items of our museum collection.
A new section of the permanent exhibition is being created as a part of the KA9021 project “Museums in Focus: the development of Cultural Services for Chinese Tourists” (within Karelia CBC Programme 2014-2020, funded by the European Union, Finland and Russia).
Photo: T.G. Yufa. Aino and the virgin lake.