KAMK at the ESPP Workshop on Nitrogen Recovery

Submitted by outi.laatikain… on

KAMK presented the NutriCON technology at the first Nitrogen Recovery Workshop organised by European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (ESPP) in Brussels, Belgium on 19th January 2023. Nearly 150 participants joined the ESPP Workshop on Nitrogen Recovery. The Workshop included an overview of nitrogen recovery technologies, presentations of the ongoing research across the EU, and a panel discussion on the political and regulatory context.

The technology for nitrogen recovery developed during the WaterPRO project was piloted in SUSWAM project at Majasaari landfill site in summer 2022. The technology will be tested for new applications in summer 2023 in REMAC project at Puolanka biogas facility, built as a part of REMAC project.

An overview of the industry perspectives and discussion of how to develop further actions for full implementation of N-Recovery in the EU have been published in ESPP’s SCOPE Newsletter n°145.

Following the workshop, ESPP is establishing a Nitrogen Recovery Working Group aiming to:

• Identify actions to support the development and implementation of N-Recovery

• Define the consensus proposals N-recovery options to submit to policy makers

The Workshop addressed “technical recycling” of nitrogen from waste streams for use as fertilisers or in the chemicals industry.

More on the Workshop and other subjects concerning it: Summary of the ESPP Workshop (19th January 2023) on Nitrogen Recovery