«Cross-border Investment Navigator for Monocities» (CINNAMON) KA4032
Project partners:
Lead partner –
Karelian regional institute of continuing professional education at Petrozavodsk state University
JSC "Corporation for the Development of the Republic of Karelia"
Regional Council of Kajnuu;
University of Eastern Finland.
Target groups and beneficiaries:
Business community in Finland, Russia and EU (investment specialized institutions such as investment banks, etc), investors willing to work across the border;
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in pilot municipalities;
Local inhabitants willing to make investment and to start a entrepreneurial career;
Local and regional authorities responsible for development;
Local service providers (employment services, vocational training institutions, business incubators, trade unions, NGOs supporting the community initiatives, etc) functioning in the pilot territories;
Business supporting organizations and educational institutions .
Project objective:
Reinforced cross border investment opportunities resulting from the diversification of monocities and global industrial modernisation trends; created cross -border support mechanism encouraging entrepreneurs to enter PSEDA.
Project period: 36 months (10/2018 – 06/2022).
Project goals:
- Reinforce cross border investment opportunities resulting from the diversification of monocities;
- Create a cross -border support mechanism encouraging entrepreneurs to enter PSEDA;
- Increase the investment attractiveness of the region by running joint branding efforts for the favour of Kainuu and the Republic of Karelia.
Key project activities:
ü Designing and tuning policy and delivery methods supporting FDI in the border areas based on the best foreign and national diversification practices analysis,
ü Running educational and consulting activities for SMEs and those planning their own business , also through social and youth entrepreneurship and improving competences of relevant authorities and stakeholders of project territories on project management, social and economic development, investment services / investor relations issues,
ü Setting up a cross border single entry online service (Navigator) effectively facilitating investment decisions,
ü Selection and implementation of industrial diversification projects (4 diversification projects for project target territories) ,
ü Promoting and communicating of regional investment attractiveness (marketin territories and improving investors' awareness).
Contacts: Elizaveta Druzhinina, +78142 73 48 30, druzhinina@krimel.karelia.ru.
KRICPE at PetrSU - Lead partner
Elizaveta Druzhinina - +78142 73 48 30, druzhinina@krimel.karelia.ru
Anton Posudnevskiy - +78142 73 33 40, posudn@krimel.karelia.ru