Exposition “Kalevala”: history of the Kalevala collection

The new section of the museum’s permanent exhibition is based on our rich Kalevala collection. In 1960, when the Museum of Fine Arts of Karelia was created, a significant part of the art collection of the Museum of Local Lore became the basis of our future Kalevala collection. And the history of the collection begins with the works by Osmo Borodkin, Georgy Stronk, Myud Mechev and Andrei Shelkovnikov.
At that period it was decided to form the Kalevala thematic collection. And for decades, works of Karelian and Russian artists on plots and themes of the epic poem Kalevala were acquired or accepted as a gift from other museums or artists.
The collection is still growing. Among the acquisitions of the recent years, one can note, for example, the beautiful picturesque diptych of the Karelian artist Vitaly Dobrynin “Flight of the runes. The Salvation of Väinämäinen ”, as well as a series of works by Igor Baranov, a young artist from St. Petersburg. The epic poem “Kalevala” has always been an inexhaustible source and incentive for artists.
Creation of a new section of the permanent exhibition dedicated to the Karelian-Finnish epic poem “Kalevala” is a part of the KA9021 project “Museums in Focus: the development of cultural services for Chinese tourists” (Karelia CBC Program, funded by the European Union, Finland and Russia )
PROJECT DIARY http://artmuseum.karelia.ru/projects/muzei-v-fokuse-razvitie-kulturnyh-servisov-dlya-kitajskih-turistov-ka9021/
PHOTOS https://vk.com/album-4852062_270866073
Project Manager: Tatyana Saltykova
Project PR manager: Latkina Irina Nikolaevna
Tel. for communication: +7 (8142) 784003
The project is financed by the European Union, Finland and Russia.