XXI Russian-Finnish Cultural Forum 2020

In 2020, the XXI Russian-Finnish Cultural Forum was held virtually. And all the negotiations between partners from Finland and Russia were organized on ZOOM online platform, which has become so much popular since the covid pandemic.
This year the Museum of Fine Arts of Karelia has successfully negotiated with all the Finnish partners. An online meeting with the colleagues from the Museums of Joensuu took place in September. The Russian partners met with Tarja Ranninen-Siiskonen, Pauliina Kaasalainen, Maria Inkeri and Carolina Katila. Participants discussed their work and activities within their ongoing project KA9021, aimed at increasing tourist attraction of regional museums. The partners noted that it had been the negotiations
two years ago in Savonlinna, that helped the museums from two countries to create such an important project. And the current work on the project and the first real visible and sustainable results demonstrate the efficiency of the cooperation.
But the main attention of the Cultural Forum participants was concentrated on the discussion of two new project ideas. And the new ideas will be discussed in more details after the new year.