Installation of a solar power station at Novguda forest base (KA5043)

Installation and commissioning of a solar power station of up to 3KW at a remote forest base Novguda in Vodlozersky National park was completed.
Key elements of the installed solar power station:
250W solar panels – 8 units.
hybrid solar inverter SILA V 3000MH.
GEL over-discharging accumulators, 200А/h. – 6 units.
protection equipment
ВС circuit protection, battery charge balancers, circuit breakers for solar panels and accumulators.
In the first day of operation the solar power station generated about 1KW.
The power station can automatically switch to an electricity generator in case of lack of solar energy in winter.
Since Novguda can only be reached by water, installation of an alternative energy source is crucial for workers and guests of Vodlozersky National park.