Theatre Crossroads (KA3118)

Existing theatre services in the cross-border region demand renewal of formats used and reorientation to youth and families with children. The project aims at development of various, competitive, interactive and client-oriented theatre services both in Russian Karelia and North Karelia of Finland.

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The project implied the development of new competitive forms of work with the audience by attracting young theatre professionals. These were young professionals with modern vision and a lively mind who became drivers in the development of relevant and requested theater services.

Remaining free in the choice of topics, techniques and communication formats, they built intercultural dialogue, that met the needs of the main project target group - families and youth. Speaking of new forms, the priority was given to the mobility and interactivity of theatrical products and services.

Theater Crossroads became an integration of professional and spectators’ interests that satisfied the needs of both parties.

Theater Crossroads became a union of professionals and partners in the field of culture and education that was aimed at creating new communication formats in the theater.

Theater Crossroads became an intersection of communicative, sociocultural and creative approaches in theater activity on both sides of the border that contributes to the development of a theater as a multifunctional space.

What the project organized?

  • Laboratory on baby-theatre technologies in Petrozavodsk in November 2018;
  • Demidov Theatre School in Petrozavodsk in March 2019;
  • Training seminar for theatre technical specialists from the Republic of Karelia and North Karelia on contemporary theatre media technologies in Finland in June 2019;
  • Theatre camp in Finland for theatre actors from the Republic of Karelia and North Karelia in Finland in June 2019;
  • The Theatre Innovation Hub opening in April 2020;
  • Theatre camp in online format for theatre actors from the Republic of Karelia and North Karelia in the Republic of Karelia in the June 2020.


What the project produced?

  • Two joint performances for youth: landscape performance "Peer Gynt. Three novels" based on the use of the mobile theatre platform and vocal programme "Lauluristeys";
  • Baby-performance "The Cubes"  (for infants from 9 months to 2,5 years old) based on the use of the baby-theatre stage-transformer;
  • Educational programs oriented to children, youth, and families in Petrozavodsk.


All products are freely avalaible in internet. See more


What the project purchased?

  • Relocatable stage platform for landscape performances;
  • Sound and light equipment (a stage-transformer) and audience area for baby theatre activities.


What the project established?

  • Theatre Cross-Roads Innovation Hub that will design educational programs oriented to children, youth, and families.


Educational programs are freely avalaible in internet. See more

Project manager:
Irina Shumskaja, State National Theatre of the Republic of Karelia

Project coordinator:
Anna Tomchik, State National Theatre of the Republic of Karelia

Project coordinator:
Päivi Kärnä,
Finland-Russia Society

Maria Korhonen, Finland-Rusiia Society