
Webinar on financies 08.06.2021

Presentation"Practical advices on financial reporting" (Fin-Rus)


Webinar  "Presenting project online", 08.12.2020

Recorded webinar "Presenting project online", 08.12.2020

Presenting project online

Webinar  "Present and future of Karelia CBC Programme", 24.11.2020

Recorded webinar "Present and future of Karelia CBC Programme", 24.11.2020

State of play of the Programme

Future of Karelia CBC Programme

Capacity building webinar "Interim reporting " 17.11.2020

Recorded Interim  reporting webinar on 17.11.2020

Hankkeen taloushallinto  (video)


Capacity Buildging webinar for closing projects 2020

Practicalities when preparing to close the project

Final reporting

Financial reporting

Best practices

Best practices identified by the projects

Project achievements

Video of the achievements


Dissemination: Media relations

Dissemination: Social media

Dissemination: Tips for pictures


Launching event 2019

Launching of a project

Project reporting

Experiences of an ongoing project

Communication workshop

Finances workshop FIN

Capacity building event for ongoing projects 2019

Summary of the event

Interim reporting

Communication obligations

Risk management

CBC Post 2020



Material of the finances workshop FIN --  RUS

Questions and answers on finances FIN -- RUS

More questions and answers on finances FIN --  RUS


Capacity building for second phase applicants 2019

Kindly give us feedback on the event at https://fi.surveymonkey.com/r/KJZ93GS

Remarks on concept note

Filling in an application

Logical framework matrix


Budget template example

Communication planning


Hankkeiden aloitustilaisuudet 2018

Kerro mielipiteesi tilaisuudesta osoitteessa: https://fi.surveymonkey.com/r/WX3D753

Selected projects

Launching of a project

Project reporting



Finances workshop

Finances workshop venäjäksi

Finances workshop suomeksi

Tietovisa venäjäksivastaukset

Tietovisa suomeksi - vastaukset

Vastaukset englanniksi


Communication obligations

Communication workshop